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European Equality Law Network

European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination


The Supreme Court clarifies the procedure for amending laws containing discriminatory provisions and sets aside a decision of the administration which relied on an opinion of the Attorney General
The Ombudsman locates discrimination in the procedure followed by the Social Services regarding the adoption of children by persons with disabilities

The Supreme Court rejects an application for a mandamus order seeking to enforce an Equality Body recommendation against the English School governing board for failure to respect the Muslim religious holidays.

Turkish Cypriots seeking to marry in the Republic-controlled area are required to present a certificate that the immigration authorities denies to the majority of them.
The Supreme Court rejects an application for the judicial review of the decision to hire a person with disability in the public service.
Go to the website of Human European Consultancy
Go to the website of Utrecht University
Go to the website of the Migration Policy Group

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